Click here for a printable calendar of the Coalition's 2019 trainings.
February 8, 2019:Stop the Bleed/You're the Help until Help Arrives
Hands-on/Demo training (no slides). Presenting Agencies: PeaceHealth and Eugene-Springfield Fire and EMS
May 8, 2019: Preparing for Wildfire Season
Air quality & Health plus local Wildfire History and Outlook for Summer 2019
Presenting Agencies:
Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) and Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF).
LRAPA’s mission is “to protect public health, community well-being and the environment as a leader and advocate for the improvement and maintenance of air quality in Lane County”. Use their data and tools to minimize exposure to unhealthy air. ODF shared a history of wildfires in our State and County, and what we might expect to see this year, plus tips on what we can all do to reduce impact to our property.
Click here for LRAPA Presentation on Wildfire Smoke Preparedness
Click here for ODF Presentation
AUGUST 14: Drinking water dangers: Cyanotoxins in Salem
Click here for printable flyer when available.
NOVEMBER 13: Annual weather outlook and winter discussion
Presenting Agencies:
Northwest Weather Service (NWS), Lane county COAD (Community
Organizations Active in Disasters) member Central Aid Agency,
Lane County Emergency Manager, EWEB
Click here for NWS/NOAA materials .
Click here for EWEB Presentation .
Click here for CAA Presentation .
Training events in 2019 will be held at Springfield Justice Center,
2nd Floor - EOC, 230 4th Street, Springfield, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Lane Preparedness Coalition (Coalition) provides education and information sharing opportunities to assist local governments, agencies, nonprofits and businesses to promote community readiness and disaster resilience. The information and resources available on the Coalition’s website are typically from the active Coalition members, governmental agencies, or non-governmental organizations active in emergency preparedness. Requests to post information or referrals on the Coalition website from for-profit organizations that are not actively involved in the Coalition will be denied.