Prepare Yourself and Your Family

The likelihood that you and your family will survive a house fire depends as much on having a working smoke detector and an exit strategy, as on a well-trained fire department. The same is true for surviving any other emergency. We must have the tools and plans in place to make it on our own, at least for a period of time, no matter where we are when disaster strikes. Just like having a working smoke detector, preparing for the unexpected makes good sense.

Be prepared to improvise and use what you have on hand to make it on your own for at least three days, maybe longer. While there are many things that might make you more comfortable, think first about fresh water, food and clean air.

Your family may not be together when a disaster strikes so it is important to plan in advance: how you will get to a safe place; how you will contact one another; how you will get back together; and what you will do in different situations. 

Some family members may have special needs. Lessons learned from past disasters indicate that when families and state emergency management offices are prepared to address the needs of people with disabilities, such as people with dementia, the impact of a disaster can be diminished.​

Community Emergency Notification System (CENS) "ALERT ME" for Lane County

The Community Emergency Notification System (CENS) helps public officials reach more people with timely alert and warning information through a "reverse 911" for land line phones.

The Alert Me program allows critical information to be relayed to you about emergency situations that require your immediate attention. To receive notifications to your cell or VoIP phone go to the Alert Me webpage and sign up.


There are steps you can take to minimize the damage to your home caused by natural disasters. Take action now—before the next disaster—to reduce human and financial consequences later.


​In the event of a disaster your first priority will be to protect your own life and health - and your family's. Disasters can destroy jobs and incomes as well as life and property. Think about steps you can take now to plan now to maintain your financial wellbeing while recovering from a disaster.